Session Insights for Minoa


Serving as Design Lead on the Session Insights sprint for Minoa, I designed a feature to provide comprehensive and detailed analytics about interactions and activities occurring within a shared document. Exposing engagement insights would incentivize users to share documents in-app and allow for additional learnings on how to structure future business cases.

The Session Insights feature included:

Insights Tab

A high-level summary of all user sessions for the business case document.

History Tab

Chronological log of all activities and interactions occurring in the document.

Visitor Details

Insights into the engagement and activity of individual collaborators.

Engagement Scorecards

Snapshot of collaborators relative level of activity in the document.

The Client

Minoa is a B2B SaaS start-up that helps salespeople with value selling by helping salespeople quickly produce Business Cases, a document outlining a seller’s value proposition for their customer. Minoa promotes co-selling, a strategy used by enterprise sales leaders, by allowing for collaboratively creating a Business Case with your prospective customer.

Define Requirements


Promote in-app sharing over exporting

Our solution would need to incentivize in-app sharing documents rather than exporting them, likely by leveraging and exposing information that would be impossible to do off-app.


Enhanced visibility on business case engagement


Expose edit history without versioning controls

A full versioning feature was out of scope, but we wanted to expose the edit history on a collaborative document.


Allow for data-informed learning

Allow users to make more informed decisions on how to structure future business cases based on how users engage with existing business cases.

Competitive Research

I reviewed a handful of collaborative platforms that surface viewiership insights, looking at what information is called out and how edit history is communicated. Loom and Google Docs were most influential:

Loom - Views
Google Docs - Version History


Leverage excitement around visible engagement

Notion indicates the keyboard shortcut to open the command menu. Google has a suite of template buttons that a user can select from.


Chronological timeline

Views and activity in both platforms were displayed chronologically as a timeline, from the most recent edits to the oldest edits.


Data displayed on large number call outs and charts


Explore user engagement with the new Session Insights tool. The overview tab provides high level insights into user interaction with the business case. Explore detailed logs of all user actions in the history tab. You can also view each user’s specific activities and a simple engagement score by clicking on the name of a user from the overview tab.

Insights Tab


Insight Spotlight

View engagement metrics at a glance including: Total views, Open Rate, and Average Session Length.



View all active collaborators and those who have been invited (but not accepted) an invitation. See each users relative engagement score in a bar chart graphic.

History Tab


Activity History

Detailed log of all user activity. Activities include file uploads, changes made to documents and inputs, comments added.


Action Entries

Each entry is timestamped and includes information about the user who performed the action, and where. Select a user to view collaborator detail.

Visitor Details


Engagement Scorecard

View each user’s specific activities and a simple engagement score to help users see if a deal may be in trouble and require intervention.


Engagement by Tab

See which parts of the business case got the most attention from your prospect, and learn what works for future business cases.

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